Art. Education. Employment. Change.
Changing the world is possible.
Based in Jean Rabel, Haiti, and in collaboration with a number of women's artisan groups throughout Haiti’s Northwest, the Atelye Thevenet fair trade artisan cooperative produces unique, handcrafted items that empower women in one of the Western Hemisphere’s most isolated, impoverished regions.
Ready to take the next step?
Purchasing from the cooperative not only provides a beautiful, unique gift, but provides income to the artisans’ families for food, clothing, and an opportunity to go to school. You can be part of this initiative by purchasing items - hand-made by the cooperative for your organization – and in doing so make a difference in the long-term future of Haiti.
The women in the cooperative produce beautiful, hand-made products, while providing employment and education in one of the Haiti’s poorest regions... We encourage other organizations to join in this important effort .”
— Courtney Berrien, Barry University
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Empower women.
Change the world.
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